
She do good

hhhhaaaaa has been another 2 days of indulging my addiction to stay up all night and behave like a bat -__-", though... I enjoyed this time so much with my lovable partner in crime (: 
oh gosh, I know I am going crazy..all I have been doing all week is trying to survive with school's projects, struggling with submission after submission. Anyway, I did MIA the whole week from school and had  a serious good laughs during my trip to school this morning. Watched Just for laugh TV shows,and it did really made my morning! so..Can't complain

Anywaaaayyy, am waiting so badly for the club21 sale, I supposed there will be another sale this year. I'm craving for a hell-a-good pair of shoes. 
A marni in mind, but without a sale the prices were usually still too $$$$ for my collegiate bank account to handle. So 2 options, a sale or a financial miracle. Dear good God, the 2nd option would be great :p 

ENOUGH of blogging, has to go back and do my work! 6 more weeks left and let's suffer (for the very last time)!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for the late reply, you can upload large size picture by using flickr. Hope it helps:)
