
one fine day . . .

yeah, one very fine day. I will play with snow . . .

and meet winter wonderland fairy!


  1. Shellaaaa... itu foto winternya bagus banget deh... kamu yang foto ato ambil dari website? anyways, how you doing? :P

  2. Aldooo, how are you? ;) I'm fine, i guess hehehe. lg kecandrungan ntn how I met your mother, have you watched? kalo belum harus ntn hehehe. Itu ambil dr web do, she snaps really nice photos, click aja d linknya The Photodiarist :)

  3. I'm good. lagi ngerjain film tugas akhir nih, Shel. hehe... blom nonton. itu film baru ato lama? dvd bajakannya uda ada blom ya? hahahaha... oooo... bagus ya fotonya... :P kamu kapan balik ke Indo lagi?
